From strategy to execution, our team has the experience and subject-matter expertise to deliver the proper insight. We provide a full range of forensic advice services and take satisfaction in having worked on a wide range of engagements in various industries. While we personalize our solution to a client’s needs, we never lose sight of the agility, conviction, and sensitivity with which we address any problem. We offer Forensic & Corporate Investigation Consultancy Services, Corporate Intelligence, Forensic Digital Technology Procedure, AML, Asset Tracing.

Forensic & Investigation Services

Today’s business climate is dynamic, with fraud risks rising, criminals becoming more sophisticated, stakeholder expectations rising, and regulatory enforcement increasing. In this context, the vulnerabilities of various fraud, misconduct, money laundering, bribery, and kick-back schemes, among others, constitute a significant danger to a company’s financial, operational, and brand value. It is thus not an exaggeration to argue that detecting and minimizing these risks is critical to a company’s survival. Our forensic advice services are the answer to assisting you in efficiently overcoming these critical business difficulties

Key Solutions

The Key Solutions under Forensic & Investigation Services:

Anti-Money Laundering

Anti-money laundering (AML) refers to laws, rules, and procedures to prevent criminals from passing off unlawfully obtained monies as legitimate earnings.

Asset Tracing

Asset tracing, also known as asset tracking, is the legal process of locating something of value that has been misappropriated from an individual or a company. Asset tracing is the process of finding and recovering money that is critical to the company’s survival. Asset tracking has numerous advantages in white-collar cases, including public corruption cases. First, by providing valuable evidence, these investigations aid in the prosecution of the crime. Such evidence can be used to back up informants and undercover cops, find new witnesses for a trial and verify witness testimony.

Corporate Investigation

A corporate investigation is a comprehensive inquiry into a company or firm to find misconduct by management, staff, or third parties. Corporate investigations cover a wide range of topics, and they can differ significantly depending on your requirements.

Corporate Intelligence

Competitive intelligence, also known as corporate intelligence, can gather, analyze, and use information on competitors, customers, and other market factors to help a company gain a competitive advantage. Competitive intelligence is crucial because it aids businesses in comprehending their competitive environment, as well as the opportunities and challenges that it presents. Businesses analyze data to develop efficient and effective company practices.

End-use monitoring of funds

Monitoring the end-use of funds is a process where the banks or a financial regulatory body assess the way the funds that are lent are being used or collected during their period. It is crucial because the number of fraudulent actions taken over the year has impacted the banks. Hence, we take care to assess how the money you lend or borrow is being used to achieve the objectives.

Fraud Risk Management Services

The majority of the businesses polled say they’ve been victimized by fraud in the recent past. Fraud is a threat to all businesses, regardless of their size or industry. It’s a severe problem that can negatively influence a company’s bottom line, reputation, and even long-term viability. Another noteworthy finding is that respondents to the survey cite the fraud prevention environment as a critical component in reducing fraud risk. This means that if a proper fraud risk management system is developed, fraud risks can be reduced.

Forensic Digital Technology Procedure

The digital forensic method is a scientific and forensic procedure that is utilized in digital forensics investigations. Acquisition, analysis, and reporting are the three steps of the process, most commonly used in computer and mobile forensic investigations.

Fraud Risk Framework Enhancement

It is critical to have a reputation for integrity to maintain market confidence and public trust. This is especially crucial in a time when there is a lot of scrutiny and enforcement. Unfortunately, fraud and misbehaviour can derail such efforts, putting an organisation at risk of legal, regulatory, or reputational consequences. As a result, seasoned company leaders seek to ensure that they have a solid strategy in place to mitigate these risks. A robust anti-fraud posture and proactive, comprehensive approach to countering fraud are progressively becoming a pre-requisite, and any organization that fails to safeguard itself adequately confronts increased fraud exposure.

Whistle Blower Assistance

A whistleblower is a person who, as an employee of a firm or a government agency, informs the public or a higher authority about any wrongdoing, such as fraud, corruption, or other forms of misconduct. There are laws in place to prevent whistleblowers from losing their jobs or being abused. Most businesses have a policy in place that outlines how to report such an incident. A whistleblower can file a lawsuit or complain about higher authorities, triggering a criminal inquiry against the firm or a specific department.

Anti-Sexual Harassment Services

Sexual harassment is prevalent in organizations regardless of the industry, sector, age, occupation, or degree of education of people involved. It is commonly acknowledged that sexual harassment has a significant personal and commercial impact, particularly in terms of lower emotional well-being and employment opportunities, high business costs, job churn, employee absenteeism, reduced productivity, and working relationship quality. With the passage of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redress) Act, 2013 (the SHWW Act), sometimes known as the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act (the POSH Act), businesses have taken substantial steps to ensure compliance.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption Services

Bribery and corruption continue to be a significant source of fraud for businesses all over the world. Regulators worldwide are attempting to establish comprehensive guidelines backed by strict enforcement action to assist enterprises in reducing bribery and corruption.

Through all these critical operations that we perform, our services to resolve your corporate problem and hence bring the cutting edge scene to attaining your objectives at SattvaCFO.

FAQ’s on Forensic & Investigation Services

What are Forensic & Investigation Services?

Forensic accounting is a sort of accounting that involves cross-checking a company’s various financial records to seek any signs of fraud.

How can SattvaCFO help in Forensic & Investigation Services?

SattvaCFO provides We offer Forensic & Corporate Investigation Consultancy Services, Corporate Intelligence, Forensic Digital Technology Procedure, AML, Asset Tracing. and Advisory Services by experienced professionals.