Format for Resolution for Bad Debt Write-off

Bad Debts

Bad Debt is the expense recognized by business when the amount is estimated to be uncollectable. Resolution for Bad Debt Write-off.

Written Off of Bad Debts

A Bad Debt write off is undertaken when the amount from the debtor / receivables become uncollectable. This is booked as expenses and charged against revenue of the enterprises

Resolution for Bad Debt write-off

A company has to obtain approval by passing resolution of the board of directors for bad debt write off.

CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF THE BOARD RESOLUTION PASSED AT THE MEETING OF  THE  BOARD  OF DIRECTORS OF                        LIMITED HELD ON             DAY OF                       AT                         STARTED AT                         AM/ PM AND CONCLUDED AT            AM/PM


The Chairman appraised the Board of Director of the Company that there are some debts which are irrecoverable from the debtors during the financial year. Therefore, such debts are to be written off to calculate the actual position of the Company.

The Board discussed and passed the following resolution:

RESOLVED THAT consent of Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby given to write off bad debts as mentioned below for the financial year 2018-2019.”





RESOLVED  FURTHER THAT Mr.                      , Director of the Company be and is hereby authorized to do all such acts, things and deeds as may be necessary and incidental thereto to give effect to this resolution.”

“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT any of the Director of the Company, be and is hereby authorised to issue certified true copy of this resolution to any authority or person, as and when required.”

Certified True Copy

For                              Limited




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