Valuation is the analytical process of determining an asset’s current or projected worth or a company. There are many techniques used for doing a valuation. An analyst placing a value on a company looks at the business’s management, the composition of its capital structure, the prospect of future earnings, and the market value of its assets, among other metrics. Various types of valuation includes Business Valuation Services, Business Combination Valuation Services, Strategic Value Advisory, and Share Based Compensation Valuation.


When attempting to ascertain the fair value of a security, a valuation might be helpful. The fair value is determined by what a buyer is prepared to pay a seller, providing both parties enter the transaction freely. Buyers and sellers decide the market value of a stock or bond when it trades on an exchange.

Valuation Services

Value can take many forms, including tangible and intangible corporate assets, investments, and intellectual property. In today’s global economy, when opportunities abound at every level, businesses must be able to determine if these opportunities/transactions add value or detract from the bottom line. A valuation can be contentious and subjective. Thus an unbiased and reliable judgment that can withstand scrutiny is required. Furthermore, in recent years, changes in the global corporate climate have compelled professional valuation knowledge.

Business Combination Valuation Services

The fair value of intangible assets acquired in a business combination is determined using various valuation procedures that fall into three categories: the income approach, market approach, or cost approach.

Business Valuation Services

The correct mix of analysis, expertise, and professional judgment is required for a valuation opinion. The valuation service provided is distinguished by impartial value guidance and an unwavering commitment to providing excellent customer service. Our experts have a wide range of delivery skills and substantial financial, valuation, and industry knowledge. To meet our client’s complex needs, we combine an integrated, holistic approach with significant industry/sector experience and local country knowledge. We provide objective and well-supported appraisals to assist firms in identifying, measuring, and realizing the value of their assets.

Derivative Valuations

The Treasurer’s position and responsibilities have grown due to changes in how derivative valuations are set and accounted for. Understanding legal and accounting standards and different valuation methods are crucial to a Treasurer’s performance. Ninety-four percent of the world’s largest firms use derivatives to manage risk. According to accounting boards, products should be carried at fair value according to market conditions in recent years. This is linked to the exit price notion and forces the entity to think about how much the derivative would sell if it had to be sold today.

Share-Based Compensation Valuation

Stock-based compensation (also known as Share-Based Compensation or Equity Compensation) rewards employees, executives, and directors with stock in the company. It’s usually utilized to inspire employees beyond their regular monetary remuneration (salary and bonus) and match their interests with its shareholders. Employee shares are generally subject to a vesting time before they can be earned and sold.

Goodwill & Intangible Asset Impairment

When the carrying value of goodwill on financial statements exceeds its fair value, corporations declare a goodwill impairment charge. Goodwill is documented in accounting after a corporation buys assets and liabilities for a higher price than their identifiable net value. When the ability of purchased assets to generate cash flows deteriorates and the fair value of the goodwill falls below its book value, goodwill impairment occurs.

Intellectual Property / Intangible Asset Valuation

Intellectual property is an intangible asset created by a company’s efforts or reputation. It could be a trademark, copyright, or brand name, or it could be a patented or patentable product, process, or service. In a nutshell, intellectual property refers to a class of non-physical assets that are legally protected against unlawful use. It is the firm’s one-of-a-kind creation, and although being intangible, it is frequently a significant driver of value within a company.

The process of determining the arm’s length or fair market value of IP assets is known as IP valuation. Intellectual property valuation aids in determining the IP’s value and the genuine value of the company as a whole. Because intellectual property is frequently one of a company’s most valuable assets, determining an appropriate valuation of the company hinges on accurately valuing its intellectual property.

Machinery and Equipment Valuation

The market value of machinery, facilities, devices, assemblies, and instruments required for a proper manufacturing process must be determined. One of the most important, and often the only, ways to determine the actual value of a company’s fixed assets is to hire a professional independent equipment appraiser. Because there are so many different types of equipment, there are also so many other techniques of valuing it. During the examination of equipment, our specialists do a comprehensive analysis that calculates its value precisely.

Strategic Value Advisory

The concept of value encompasses much more than monetary value. It’s something you hold in high regard, especially when it comes to your company. Value Advisory Services works with you to analyze value and identify how to best manage and safeguard it throughout your company’s lifecycle. We offer solutions to increase the entire value of your company in addition to standard business valuation services. Whether you’re considering an acquisition or sale, or you want to improve your company’s performance or placement, our experts can assist you to navigate the process and make more intelligent, more educated business decisions.

FAQ’s on Valuations

How can SattvaCFO support in Valuation Services?

SattvaCFO provides various kinds of valuation services including valuation of  Business Valuation Services, Business Combination Valuation Services, Strategic Value Advisory, and Share Based Compensation Valuation.